Monday, May 21, 2012

Things Are Coming Together

Once I got the pot-bellied stove, I realized that it needed to have some heat-deflecting tile around it.  Here the tile is in place and I've roughed up the framing.

The framing has been stained and installed.  Now I'm trying to figure out how to arrange furniture.  It's a bit of a problem since I'd like to add a cot and maybe a small dresser, as well as shelves for dishes, pots and pans, etc.  One idea I've had is to add a wall to the left of the tile.  What do you think?

Five frames built and filled!  One of the images is a reproduction of that famous first photograph made by Joseph Nicephore Niepce.  A pat on the back to anyone who can tell me which one it is.  Also, which one is the Daguerreotype and which is the Talbotype?

Two more frames ready for filling.  Sadly, I've now run out of picture frame stock and will have to wait for my order from to arrive.

Wow!  There's now enough finished to do a little bit of installing!  I'm using museum wax to "hang" the pictures so everything is interchangeable and none of the surfaces is damaged.  On the table, there's a stereopticon along with some stereo photographs, a small pile of antique tintypes, and a lovely little bellows camera.

And a peek through the window. . . .

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